
Delivery of love to aboriginal tribes in Pingtung

  1. Rice donation

Our organization donates rice to more than 80 units in Pingtung County every year, including tribes, after -school classes, elementary schools and junior high schools. We also hold activities for rice donation in certain time every year.

  1. Resources donation

We donate resources to more than 70 aboriginal tribes and aboriginal after-school classes every year. Besides, we also hold many activities annually to collect winter clothes in order to help those tribe people in daily life.

  1. Emergency assistance

We have provided emergency servicessince the association was founded in 2001. For example:

In 2012, Typhoon Tembin caused serious damages to houses, properties and ships in Lanyu. EmeritusDirector, Ming-Hui,Liang put a lot of efforts on fundraising and finally raised about NTD 33,000 dollars. Money was used to buy materials sent to Lanyu in person to help people rebuild houses or fix fishing boats so that locals dont need to worry about their livings.

In 2013, through the leading of social workers, we visited the villager, Miss Liang, in Jiayi village Wutai Township. After her stroke, she has suffered from paralysis so that she was unable to work and her family ran into difficulty. Thus, we gave material support and NT 15,000 dollars to solve her difficulties.


In 2014, chief Gao, from an indigent family, who lived in Liangshan village, Wutai Township had difficulty in paying her wifes hospitalization fee. After a visit by social workers, they decided to help them to apply for emergency allowances about NT 5,000 dollars so that they didnt need to worry about the medical fee. Besides, we also did our best to provide assistance to help them live without financial difficulties.





Cultivate Aboriginal Talents program

  1. Aboriginal education program in Pingtung county- Select Glass Beads Cultivate Talent program

Started from 2011 to now, for five years, we have cultivated 58 students and given scholarship about NT 504,000 dollars.

We cultivated 4 Olympic students, three of them are boxers, including player of Rio Olympic, ZHU-EN, LAI. The third winner of world junior boxing championship in 2015, JIA-JIE, LIANG. President prize in 2015, HONG-MING, PAN. In addition, a judo national team player, WEI-JIE, CHEN.

  1. Cultivate aboriginal talent students program in Pingtung county

From 1996 to now, we have cultivated 157 students and given the scholarship about NT 1,420,000 dollars.

We have cultivated three students applying to national universities and was accepted(National Taiwan University-JING, ZHUANG, National Taiwan Normal University-SHENG-XUAN, KE, National Pingtung University- YI-DA, HE)

Five National team players, the third winner of world junior boxing championship in 2015, JIA-JIE, LIAN, national junior high school lifting champion, TING-HUAN, LI, national high school taekwondo champion in 2014, ZHE-KAI, LI, and national skating team players, GU SA CHALI-BEN and GU SA CHAE-GE.

Regulations about applying scholarship of Aboriginal Culture and Education Association of Pingtung

Applying regulations

typescholarshipGiving Times annuallyapplying informationexamine
general scholarshipSelect the Glass Beads(JUN-LIN)1Induvial or group adoptionfirst trial: Aboriginal Culture and Education Association of Pingtung


final trial: adopter
YUAN-QI scholarship1Recommendation of every unitfirst trial: Aboriginal Culture and Education Association of Pingtungfinal  trial: YUAN-QI
Candor Foundation Inc.2Recommendation of Student unitsfirst trial:Aboriginal Culture and Education Association of Pingtungfinal  trial: Candor
Candor volunteers2first trial:Aboriginal Culture and Education Association of Pingtungg

final trail: Candor

general scholarshipdirector JIN-HUI, KANG2Recommendation of director JIN-HUI, KANGfirst trial: JIN-HUI, KANGfinal trial: JIN-HUI, KANG
SHUANG-HAN2Recommendation of Student unitsfirst trialAboriginal Culture and Education Association of Pingtungfinal  trial: SHUANG-HAN
GUO-ZHENG, SHI1Recommendation of every unitfirst trial Aboriginal Culture and Education Association of Pingtungfinal trial: GUO-ZHENG, SHI
Hong Yang Precision Industry Ltd.1Students in Wutai applicationfirst trial: Aboriginal Culture and Education Association of Pingtungfinal  trial: Hong Yang
MEI-SI1Recommendation of every unitfirst trial: Aboriginal Culture and Education Association of Pingtungngfinal  trial: MEI-SI
XING-XIE Temple2Specific unit chosen by XING-XIE Templefirst trial: Aboriginal Culture and Education Association of Pingtungngfinal trial: XING-XIE Temple
otherOther temporary set scholarship: if sponsors dont appoint units, please send messages to applyfirst trial: Aboriginal Culture and Education Association of Pingtungng

final trial: donator

DescriptionThe inspectors for scholarship are experts and scholars who were hired by directors of Aboriginal Culture and Education Association of Pingtung.


Applying regulations

General Provisions

Scholarship cant be applied for two times for each person annually, except for Selecting Glass Beads program.  Appliers have to attach personal information during applying period. Otherwise, the appliers will be disqualified. After the examination conducted by Aboriginal Culture and Education Association of Pingtung, the qualified appliers will be ranked. The qualified appliers and the recommendation units will be informed and the qualified appliers will be listed on our website. We will post the pictures and activity details after the award ceremony. The qualified appliers will be arranged to suitable units to work in accordance with their ages, and the working performance will be an important reference for the next applying.

Services in Tribes

10We have been providing different layers of social services in different areas and we had good performances in all areas in these 10 years.

1.youth services

Promote aboriginal children to read, learn cultural techniques and personal inquiry services. These services not only provide human-caring to soften the burden of family care, but also lower the risk of weak family tie. Through reading to broaden the children and teens horizons and shorten the urban-rural gap.

2.elderly services

Taking care of elderly people who live alone by helping them to clean up environments (in-house services), and 3H Engineering Program…etc. These services can soothe the elders broken heart resulted from typhoon, in enteral house or the elders without accompany and care of their children, to adapt new environment, dealing with loneliness and finding the core of life again. On the other hand, we also provide local primary caring services to elders community in turns of solving many social issues.

3.disabilities services

We care disabilities by helping them to clean up environment (in-house services), visiting their family and take care of their daily needs. We not only show our concerns but also provide many kinds of allowances to help unemployed disabilities and help cleaning their houses to enhance the quality of services.

4.job services

Multi-Employment Promotion Program, Empowerment Employment Program, 3H Engineering Program are the programs that we applied for Workforce Development Agency and Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan to help tribe people and community women to find  jobs. Thus, they could learn some skills so as to solve their financial difficulties. These services are mainly about carrying out before-career training and helping career guidance workers to know more about aboriginal peoples career conditions. services

Our main services include integrating resources of community, free haircuts, promoting government social welfare and 3H Engineering Program. During 1999 to 2012, our main services aimed to strengthen the emotional reconstruction of typhoon victims, parenting education, life education, ecological education, traditional art education, and so on. After 2011, we started to integrate the resources of six Changzhi BAI HE permanent housing communities to make sure every activity worth every penny. On the other hand, we also promote welfares given by government, helping low-income families to apply for the welfares so that they wouldnt lose deserved rights. Finally, for improving the living quality in the community, we promote correct concepts of sanitation to residents by holding free haircut activities and 3H engineering program to accomplish community assistance as well as improving the community’s living qualities.